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Observe these 5 Health Conditions When Urine Discharges Unusual Odor
Jakarta, When you are urinating, do not underestimate some things that are not as common as there is blood in the urine, urine becomes more concentrated, or remove the smell that is not fun. Some of these can give an indication of a more serious health condition. As written in shape, Friday (1/2/2013), 5 health conditions can have signs there are unusual changes in the urine, including: 1. Pregnancy When the egg is fertilized by sperm and embedded in the uterine wall, the fetus that occurs begin to remove hormones human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG, which can be detected by a pregnancy test kit. This kind of thing can affect the urine that also will produce a strong and sharp smell. After the pregnancy of the road part of the week, pregnant women are increasingly more frequent urination both in the morning, afternoon and even late at night that interfere with sleep. The trigger is the kidney must work harder to get rid of some waste products from the body of the mother and the fetus. As the pregnancy gets bigger, the pressure on the bladder from the developing uterus is also getting bigger. Until such a thing makes pregnant women often urinate more than before pregnant first. 2. Diabetes The smell and color of the urine may also indicate a medical condition or sign of a specific disease. For example, sweet-smelling urine can be a sign of diabetes, because the body can not process glucose to the maximum. 3. Benign tumors in the uterus If you are a woman over thirty years old. and have an irregular menstrual cycle, be careful when you experience the addition of frequent urination. It may be due to the growth of fibroids, benign tumors in the womb. The tumor may be enlarged to the size of an orange that can squeeze the bladder. If the urine emits an unusual odor or there is blood in the urine, check with your doctor immediately. 4. Kidney stones Medically, if there are some red blood cells in the urine (hematuria) can indicate a medical condition such as kidney stones. Prefix, you may also feel if the urine becomes more concentrated. Kidney stones can last because of lack of drinking, as well as the benefits of salt, calcium, and different materials in the body that precipitate and make the crystals in the bladder to have the size of a pebble. When the stone in the bladder moves can cause pain and cause bloody wounds seen in the urine. 5. Urinary tract infections Urinary tract infection followed by the onset of burning sensation during urination. Beyond that, people with urinary tract infections are also getting more frequent urination more than 7 times a day. This condition is generally caused by bacteria that enter the urinary tract through the urethra and then infect the bladder. Other signs include fever, chills, back pain, and cloudy urine or result in an unpleasant odor. (vit / vit)
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