Selasa, 26 Desember 2017

De dokter zei dat de kwestie van de extracten van tabak in de Gorilla Dagga bedwelmende

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De dokter zei dat de kwestie van de extracten van tabak in de Gorilla Dagga bedwelmende


Jakarta, tabak gorilla in de discussie omdat het naar verluidt door piloten van de 'dronken' Citilink gebruikt, maar in feite de piloot bleek negatief voor drugs. Nou, de vraag van de inhoud van dit bedwelmende in tabak, de dokter heb de uitleg. Dr. Andri SpKJ, FAPM, uit het Omni International ziekenhuis zei dat de gorilla is eigenlijk tabak producten tabak mengsels te roken materialen. Zijn de bladeren van wilde plant genaamd dagga in de mix. Eerste jaar 2015-2016 is inderdaad beroemde tabak gorilla's. Een soort van tabak uit tabak, kruidnagel, maar er is één meer type van nieuwe naam extracten van wild dagga, zei Dr. Andri wanneer onlangs gevonden in de praktijk plaats. Het wordt beschouwd als een reguliere roken van sigaretten of materialen maar hebben verschillende effecten dan tabak. Dus als deze gorilla tabak wordt geëxtraheerd uit wild dagga kalmerend of rustgevend effect dat hoog zodat sommigen zeggen dat het lijkt op cannabis, geavanceerde tabak Dr. Andri. Lees ook: leren kennen van de AB-CHMINACA, een stof die vergelijkbaar is met Cannabis in tabak GorillaKetika beslag tabak gorilla natuurlijke persoon kan veroorzaken hallucinaties, euforie en ook een gevoel van rust. Dit effect duurt in een kwestie van uren kan, maar het tot een volledige dag. Deze gorilla leeft volgens Dr. Andri verschil effect en duur duur van tabak omdat absorptie van stoffen door het lichaam van ieder individu ook varieert. Een ding dat wordt gevreesd is het bestaan van een vaste neveneffect als continu verbruikt op de lange termijn. Naast de verschillende effecten van het laatste voorbeeld, als hallucinaties hij kon maken halusinasinya gerelateerd probleem, wij vrezen dat later verrekend. Er zijn verschillende gevallen van patiënten die we vinden eens geprobeerd kunnen alleen de symptomen worden geregeld tot dagen zelfs maanden. Indien onbehandeld later problemen zal veroorzaken, zei Dr. Andri. In verband met deze inhoud, zal het nationale agentschap van de verdovende middelen (BNN) in de nabije toekomst hen zetten in stoffen die moeten worden geregeld in de wet op de verdovende dan tabak. naam de Gorilla is de zon ga Kong, Natareja, Hanuman en nog veel meer. Hoofd van public relations, privé Slamet Kombes BNN vermeldt het gebruik van andere naam is het een marketing truc die het syndicaat gebeurt. Het publiek in de taal van de Gorilla kon, snuif synthetische marihuana wordt genoemd. Lees ook: veel van de misbruikte, de gevolgen van de tabak stempel Gorilla genaamd soortgelijke GanjaVideo stemverklaringen tembaku gorilla's hier kunnen worden beluisterd:





Senin, 11 September 2017

Das Gewicht des Körpers ist immer nach unten, seien Sie sich bewusst von Diabetes

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Das Gewicht des Körpers ist immer nach unten, seien Sie sich bewusst von Diabetes


In Jakarta, einige Leute, die nicht verstehen, wenn Kinder kann auch mit Diabetes, Diabetes bei Kindern ist oft bis zu den späten Diakukan und letztlich wird nicht beibehalten. Das Gewicht des Körpers ist immer nach unten und schnallte nämlich Zeichen von diabetischen Kindes so leicht erkennbar. Nicht die gleiche Art wie die Erwachsenen häufig von betroffenen sind 2 DM durch ungesunde Ernährung, Diabetes, die bei Kindern viel Fortschritt und Typ 1 Diabetes ist. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Typ 1-Diabetes, die durch die Zerstörung der Beta-Zellen der Bauchspeicheldrüse stattfindet. Zerstörung der Bauchspeicheldrüse ist nicht in der Lage, seinen Körper zu eigenen Insulin zu produzieren. Dr. Aditya Suryansyah, SpA, erklärt einige der Menschen, die nicht, über DM Typ 1 wissen. Im Allgemeinen waren die Eltern zu einem plötzlichen Schock, weil ein Kind chronischen Diabetes hat und sein zu Hause krank aufgrund hoher Blutzucker umsorgt sollte. Späte Erkennung in das Endergebnis in dem Kind nicht geholfen wieder und starb. Die typischsten Anzeichen auf DM Typ 1 d.h. Kinder essen eine Menge (Polifagia), viel trinken (Polydipsie) und viel Pisse (Poliuria). Aber bevor diese drei Zeichen erscheinen, in der Regel Auflösungszeichen bezeichnen, andererseits als auch das Gewicht des Körpers immer einen natürlichen Rückgang ist also schnell ermüdet. So gut wie ein Maßstab, wenn Kinder plötzlich eine Menge zu essen, aber Neigung so dünn, es ist nichts falsch, wenn wir seinen Blutzucker überprüfen. Also wenn jeder Schmerz wird empfohlen, Kinderärzte, Blutzucker Screening. Typ 1-Diabetes, die oft vermisste, Dr. Aditya Suryansyah, SpA, Sekretärin der Arbeiten Gruppe (UKK) Endokrinologie DKI Jaya von Indonesien Kinderarzt zu binden, Ziel der Medien-Events im Gebäude des Ministeriums für Gesundheit, Jakarta, Freitag (18.11.2011). Diesem in der Tat hat bislang keine Zahlen sicherlich beziehen sich auf die Zahl der Kinder, dass Bären geben Sie 1 DM in Indonesien. Aber nach den Daten der UKK Endokrinologie, bis zum Oktober 2011 Betrag wird voraussichtlich um für ein Kind mit einer Entwicklungsumgebung 724 240 neue Ausgabe/th zu erreichen. .. Bei Typ 2 DM, Bauchspeicheldrüse Insulin ist schön, gute Masihlah, Insulinnya Yg Verlader Vermittler war einfach nicht gut, durch Bluthochdruck oder Übergewicht auf Insulin funktioniert nicht mit maximalen Weg. In Typ 1 DM Beschädigung, der Bauchspeicheldrüse, die ein Werkzeug ist, das Insulin produziert. Bis das Kind Insulin von außen nimmt, kann die Lebenszeit Kosten 1 Million pro Bln., das Licht des Dr. Aditya erreichen. Dr. Aditya beschreibt Typ 1 DM Viren verursachen kann, das Kind oft krank, Autoimmun- und genetische. Aber die meisten verursachen DM Typ 1 d.h. genetische Aspekte, nämlich die Umgebung 90 %. DM Typ 1 kann Kinder von Geburt, Säuglinge oder Kinder, aber das Durchschnittsalter der DM 1 bei Kindern 6 bis 10. angreifen. .. Kinder sind geschlagen mit DM Typ 1 Insulin für das Leben benötigt. Bei DM schnell erkannt und kann Diakukan mit guten, damit Kinder wie Kinder (ohne jede DM) wachsen können, kann Insulinnya, der Ursprung des Weges sind Athleten immer enger, Dr. Aditya.




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Rabu, 06 September 2017

This Diet To Avoid Pregnant Women So That No Body Weight Excellence

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This Diet To Avoid Pregnant Women So That No Body Weight Excellence


Jakarta, in a natural way a pregnant woman who would naturally increase the weight of the body along with the growth of the fetus in the womb. But the weight of the body so not too good this time. A new study from Ireland discover the expectant mother's good avoid food that can raise blood sugar content quickly to reduce the risk of the increase in body weight that is very much throughout pregnancy. In this study the environment 48% of women who keep the diet first, instead of a natural increase in body weight exceeds referenced. 38% of women who are switching to a diet low in glycemic index (GI) is not a natural body weight advantage. This kind of thing because the sugar in the food it is launching with the way slowly into the blood stream, for example whole grains, whole wheat bread and brown rice that have a lower glycemic index than rice or white bread. Some researchers uncover excessive body weight time of pregnancy is associated with the risk of giving birth via caesarean section, natural pregnancy diabetes (diabetes egstational) as well as a higher propensity for obesity in the future, such as taken from Livescience, Saturday (15/9/2012). The study, published in the September issue of the British Medical Journal this involved 800 women from the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin. In the know women who migrated to the low GI diet is not naturally skew the increase of excessive body weight. The mother who has content indeed need extra calories from foods rich in nutrients to support the development of the fetus. But pregnant women do not need to have the thought of eating for both (eat for two). Usually a normal body weight increases throughout pregnancy i.e. environment 12-15 kg, as well as the desired mom has a healthy body weight of time upfront to avoid the occurrence of pregnancy to childhood obesity. (ver/ir)


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Jumat, 01 September 2017

Studio: Così qualcuno può creare un peso corporeo di Mr. Guy Ride

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Studio: Così qualcuno può creare un peso corporeo di Mr. Guy Ride


Jakarta, non solo alcuni della nuova madre, il padre può anche essere naturale anche sovrappeso in altre parole ha aumentato il peso corporeo dopo aver avuto figli. Disibakkan in uno studio. Lo studio, condotto da un team di ricercatori della Northwestern University, Chicago, ha detto che se qualcuno potesse fare un padre così gli uomini così grasso. Essere recuperato se l'uomo con i modo importanti obiettivi naturali di aggiungere il peso del corpo su alcuni dei th. presto dopo il loro primo figlio è nato. Così, invece, la squadra scopre anche se l'uomo non ha avuto figli anche la naturale diminuzione del peso corporeo. Ma i risultati degli studi già pubblicati nel giornale americano della latta di salute maschile essere dichiarato se l'aumento nel corpo di peso che, se non adeguatamente controllato così può mettere un uomo in parte sui problemi di salute ad alto rischio. Se non monitorato, aumentato peso corporeo rende alcuni rischioso nuovo padre naturale di malattie cardiache, diabete e cancro, ha detto il leader di studio, Dr. Craig Garfield, come preso dal Daily Mail, mercoledì (22/07/2015). Anche se non abbiamo ancora trovato la causa certamente da intrecciano sull'aggiunta del peso del corpo, nonché il nuovo ruolo come il padre, ma Garfield trasmettono la vita di cambiamento modelli pendente giocati. Hai nuove responsabilità quando avere figli. Solo forse sono appoggiati così non hanno il tempo di gestire il proprio come prima, ad esempio in materia di sport. Oltre a ciò, il padre anche generalmente piace anche utilizzando alcuni ex cibo suo figlio, Garfield aggiunto. In questo studio, Garfield ha fatto ricerche su 10. 253 uomini americani dall'inizio adolescenza fino a quando raggiungono per primi 30 anni ogni anno. Essere estratto se il ragazzo nuovo modo Mr. natural aumentare in media del corpo indice di massa (IMT) un numero di 2, 6 kg/m2. Leggi anche: attenzione! Mangiare cibi ricchi di grassi possono creare 'Hooked' Lho (ajg/up)

Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017

¿Quieres bajar el peso del cuerpo, pero mantenerlo sano con una dieta cruda? ¡Puede ser!



¿Quieres bajar el peso del cuerpo, pero mantenerlo sano con una dieta cruda? ¡Puede ser!


Yakarta, la dieta adecuada es una de las claves para bajar el peso del cuerpo. Bien, para usted que quiere tener cuerpo más equilibrado y el cuerpo permanezca saludable, la manera dieta cruda puede hacer una de la opciones lho. Descrito por la dieta en los practicantes crudos Indonesia, Deasi Srihandi, dieta cruda puede utilizarse para aquellos que quieren perder peso corporal. Deasi también afirmó que incluso la dieta cruda es la dieta más fácilmente en la disminución de peso corporal. Dieta de alimentos crudos dieta que es más fácil bajar de peso, no tenemos que ser luchado mantiene el apetito, reducir la cantidad de alimento o conjunto para arriba mientras se come. Por sí mismo el peso de nuestro cuerpo se iría abajo y tan volátil, dijo detikHealth, así como el miércoles (03/11/2015). Según la mujer que ha hecho una dieta cruda durante todo el día 7. más recientemente, mediante la aplicación de la dieta cruda por lo que al unísono con el cuerpo de peso programa de pérdida, podemos disfrutar de una comida sana y deliciosa. El punto es que hacemos no necesidad de morir de hambre porque debe abstenerse de comer, él insiste. Lea también: no a menudo enfermo y una piel más sana, una miríada de primas dietas para BadanDefinisi sirven dieta cruda es una dieta con el consumo de verduras, frutas, hierbas, plantas silvestres que pueden ser consumidas, nueces, semillas y bulbos y algunos otros materiales. Los pasos para procesar el fermentado a través de crudas o no cocidas excede medio ambiente 42-45 grados Celsius. Una de las ventajas de una dieta cruda que no se está convirtiendo las enzimas. La realidad de nuestro cuerpo necesita enzimas para ayudar a cultivar alimentos. De una manera natural, el organismo también produce enzimas pero necesita más potencia. El cuerpo de trabajo ese día extra para mover todos los beneficios del órgano, así como mal fue hacer enzimas y procesamiento de alimentos. Por lo tanto, generalmente la comida después, especialmente un gran consumo de alimentos como muchos hidratos de carbono o alguna fuente de hewaninya, estamos tan cansados y soñolientos. Pero con el consumo de alimentos crudos no se arriesgue, ir Deasi natural. Leer también: esta dieta cruda no es tan Tricknya que personas menos proteína y calcio (ajg/vit)

Jumat, 18 Agustus 2017

Weight Less Time Pregnant, this risk is For Baby

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Weight Less Time Pregnant, this risk is For Baby


Jakarta, When pregnant, women usually will eat more than the first. But not a few people even more reluctant to eat. Resulted, so the thinner body and look weak. Yes, pregnant in a state of severe underweight or very thin Agency generally advised to consume more and more food. But to avoid 'excessive' so overweight, nutrition consultation with experts the main calculated. Generally, doctors will make the same references, based on your personal condition. This sort of thing especially if you have a story of problems such as anorexia or bulimia. As conveyed by Dr. Ferdinand Putra Harahap, MKed (OG), SpOG, if underweight condition closely associated with the Agency birth weight (LBW) is low. Underweight condition closely related to low birth weight babies Agency by 1, 81 times more than that have a weight gain during pregnancy is ideal, said Dr. Ferdinand on detikHealth, Wednesday (02/17/2016). Beyond that, a doctor who practices at RS Permata Depok was also expressed that the low weight gain during pregnancy Agency also associated with an increased risk of fetal and infant mortality by 1, 45 times as well as 1, 28 times. Well, to minimize the risk of it, surely ideal agency to gain weight and become a key point. But remember, miraculous food that fits specify important too. This is in order to gain weight and Body lasting no 'excessive'. As taken from Baby Center, some pregnant women are advised not to entrust any vitamin supplements as the consumption of nutrients, but also from the consumption of some foods intact. For example, you can give peanut butter or cheese to increase protein intake in the morning breakfast menu. For the consumption of healthy fats, you can also select a menu such as avocado or a handful of nuts. Yogurt, dried fruit and smoothies can also be a choice of healthy snacks for some pregnant women. Then what is the addition of normal weight pregnant women? Depending on the Body Mass Index (BMI) or Body Mass Index. In a normal person with a BMI of 18, 5-24, 9 increase is 11, 5 to 16 kg throughout pregnancy, said Dr. Hari Nugroho, SpOG, of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Dr. Soetomo. Also read: Weight Up Very Striking Time Pregnant? Affected Awas Preeclampsia (ajg / vit)



Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

How To Easily Detect Hair Health

How To Easily Detect Hair Health
                         Damaged hair is not always indicated by the tip of the branched or wrinkle. Here's how easy and quick in detecting what your hair as healthy.
Just as the incubation period of the disease, the hair also takes a long time to reach the stage look unhealthy.
Dry hair, easily tangled, branching loss, until the color faded, a sign that the hair is already damaged. Damaged hair does not mean there can be healthy again, but it takes longer to restore vitalistasnya.
Tries to detect what your hair as healthy as before symptoms would appear, could be the key to whether the hair in top condition or require extra care.
Relax, you do not need to use sophisticated equipment to view the health condition of the hair, simply provide a transparent glass filled with water as much as 200 ml.
Scissors a little tip of the hair, and then insert it into the glass. If the hair floats, mark the hair in a healthy condition. You just do the usual care.
When the hair is lost, mark the hair is in unhealthy condition. When the hair is lost, mark the water can penetrate the cuticle easily, because the condition of the damaged cuticle.
The cuticle is damaged can be caused by several things, such as, using a shampoo with alcohol content trigger dry hair like sopropyl alcohol, propyl alcohol, propanol or SD alcohol 40, combing the hair is still wet, use a hair steaming, even including eating foods lack the nutrients for the hair.
To overcome this, the handling from the outside you can do is to use a hair mask containing fatty acids and lipids, which will increase the vitality of the outer layer of your hair, keep the hair smooth, moist and glowing.
Average perwatan from the inside, you can mengasup food to nourish the hair, such as green vegetables with vitamin A, C, iron, beta carotene, folate, to help nourish the hair follicles, making hair brittle not easy, loss, or broken.
Expand also foods containing zinc because zinc deficiency is associated with causing hair loss.